Thursday, 17 July 2014

To Get Better At Writing Essays For Malaysian Students

Steps You Can Take to Make Your Children Comfortable With English and Essay Writing

  1. Send your children to English coaching centers - Yes, sending your children to a good coaching center for English can help you advance their skills. Not only would they get to learn the language, they would also make a bunch of friends with common goals. 
  2. Ask them to converse in English - If you are not very comfortable with English, ask your children to practice the language with someone who can speak good English. There is nothing like practicing a language. 
  3. Practice by writing sentences - Once your child has reached a stage where they are comfortable with spoken English, ask them to start writing in English. For most students, the only writing practice they get in English is when they mug up for exams and write word by word what they had memorized. While they can still get good grades by doing so, but their actual language skills would remain hidden from you. 
  4. Practice essay writing - If you child has successfully achieved the above stages, which may take several months, it is time to expose them to essays. Give them a simple topic (preferably something of interest) and ask them to research the topic using Google books and other scholarly sources. Check their essay for language, sources, and the depth of research. You can also take the help of an online examiner from the UK who would mark the essay and send it back to you.
  5. Learn academic formats - Lastly, make your child learn academic formatting. Essays in the UK and the US are written in academic formats like APA, MLA, and Harvard. There are many online sources for this. Most universities have their own formatting guidelines shared through their official websites.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Writing research essays in Canada

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Thursday, 5 June 2014

Qatar as a regional power an academic essay example

Qatar is a seemingly small country geographically but it wields a great deal of power. Qatar is home to many military bases and a thriving culture that has connections with all of its surrounding neighbors. The country was formed early on by boundaries that did not seem as significant at the time. The formation of boundaries between different regions and different political divisions can be readily seen at work in the modern world. For instance, the dissolving of the Soviet Union rewrote boundaries throughout Eastern Europe and Asia, with new nations being added to the map on a regular basis.
Another example of how these divisions begin can be found in different government models in use throughout the world. Democracy is an open system in which the power of the government is derived directly from the people governed. The US is an example of a democracy. A dictatorship is a government in which one individual holds complete power and generally uses military might to control the population and the government. Cuba is an example of a dictatorship.
Monarchies rely on a royal personage as the head of government. There are few monarchies in existence any longer, though they were prevalent only a few hundred years ago. Some nations, such as Great Britain, still retain a limited monarchy. A republic is a system in which the populace controls the government through representatives – the US and other nations have elements of republican government.
A theocracy is a government in which the state is controlled by a religion. Many Muslim nations including Qatar are technically theocracies, in which priests wield considerable power and little or no secular government exists. Very few nations today are pure theocracies, though. A totalitarian form of government is one in which the government has an effect on every aspect of its citizens' lives. The government controls almost everything, from religion to manufacturing, from news to the military.
There are many different factors that affect the power to control territory and resources, as well as to create conflict and even war. Both human and physical factors also can impact international relations with different countries around the world. Human factors include the type of government in power, as well as their view of other nations and their own place in the world.
Physical factors include the location of the region in question relative to those nations. Other physical factors should include the location and prevalence of natural resources available to the region and geographic features that might prevent the spread of advanced technology to the region. With these factors in mind Qatar was divided and built to the surprisingly powerful country that it is today.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Sample Irish Essay On The Environment – 865217

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Saturday, 17 May 2014


Did you know that around 70% of college students have to combine work and study, and both professors and employers have strict requirements? What should a student having a full-time job do when he or she has to write a research paper, an essay, and a case study, all of which are due the following week? And people still wonder why so many men and women are stressed out!
Too much stress is never good for anybody because it can cause headaches, heart problems, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and many more negative reactions. Statistics demonstrate that near 43% of all adults suffer numerous stress-related health issues. And do you know which cohort is one of the most suffering today? Students, of course, especially in Decembers and Aprils/Mays. Guess why? Because these are the months when school terms are almost over and all exams start. 

Exams are stressful enough, no doubt. However, there are many other things that students have problems with. One of the most common issues in students’ academic life is the lack of time and an abundance of writing assignments.

Did you know that around 70% of college students have to combine work and study, and both professors and employers have strict requirements? What should a student having a full-time job do when he or she has to write a research paper, an essay, and a case study, all of which are due the following week? And people still wonder why so many men and women are stressed out!

Sunday, 6 April 2014


Please note that we are apolitical. We just like good essays. This came up on the 2008 paper. This essay is on the short side of the acceptable range, but is still an outstanding H1.
It has been two years since the passing of my granddad, a significant ending in my life, but I remain bruised inside, filled with numbness and emptiness. My soul is still unwilling to acknowledge the finality of his sudden death. I will never get to look upon his face again or feel his embrace, see the warmth in his caring, loving eyes, or be surrounded by his love. Since the day he died a light has been extinguished in my heart. In his uniqueness he carved a role right into my DNA and no matter how hard I could try to remove it, it remains unchanged; not bigger, not louder and never quieter. Images of him lying motionless on his deathbed race through my mind regularly. Melancholy, remorse and respect are evoked in me. I try to cry the sadness off but crying is no good. I try to sleep the memories off but sleeping is no good. I try to clear my head by running but running is no good. The only place I feel secure and connected with my grandfather is the most beautiful place in my life - the Catholic Church.
Where would you find a more beautiful scene than the scene of a stunning bride walking up the aisle on the “red carpet “on her wedding day in the Catholic Church? Emotions of pure bliss, delight and joy fill the church, exploding it, almost shattering the stained glass windows. Cries of laughter, enjoyment and glee are shared among different types of families and friends on this special day.

This joy is relived on the day of baptisms marking the beginning of new eras. First Holy Communions, Confirmations bring more delight that is all shared under the one roof of the Catholic Church. The contentment of smiling children sweetly singing their favourite psalms at the altar glare down at their parents in hope of making them proud.

One must recognise the beauty of the word “Catholic.” It means universal. The Catholic Church is more than any one parish church. It is more than a diocese. It is more than just a collective worldwide institution. That is what makes it so special, wonderful and even more beautiful. As a universal church, it is an enticing thing to know that any practicing Catholic can walk into any Roman Catholic Church in the world and know what to expect. Vietnamese, French, German – it doesn’t matter. You still would know what is going on and what part of the mass the priest was at.